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Azienda Agraria Laurenzi

We are farmer since always.
Our Company was essentially focused around the olive oil harvest, the cattle breeding, and a few other products for the exclusive usage of my family (as for instance, honey, wine, vegetables, home made bread).
Since always we have maintained the same tradition doing every thing arstisanally, as our parents had teach to us during the olives and grape harvest or in other cheers moments. To our tradition we have added the control of the quality and the attention for each production phase so we always obtain products objectively of finest quality but with a great and fine cultural and historical background. It is in the middle of Italy, in its green heart that my products come to life, cuddled since when they are still on the plant, in the noisless silver Valley (silver is the reflex of the olive tree leaves which cover sinuously the hill). The olive oil plantation is situated 450 m over the level of the sea, it is bordered by rock faces and steep precipice; the effect which you can have if you come in this valley is that the perception of the time and the space is lost between leaves and sky which wont let you understand where is the border line between them.
The aroma which you can smell is exactly the aroma of the olive oil wood and dry hay.Exactly where my olive trees live and breath and in Montefalco, Federico II, lived in Foligno, opened its hunts with the hawk.Also Dante Alighieri in its verses talked about my valley and in Foligno decided to print the first copy of the “Divina Commedia” at the end of ‘400. An apigraph which is reproduced in my olive oil bottles.
In 1716 the Pope Clemente XI coming through this valley and moreover through my olive plants was amazed ans wanted to leave his sign on a stone; the sign has been ruined by the passing time and from the last earthquake. Our slogan has been inspirited from this fact: “Since 1716 a squeeze of History” to remember that Laurenzi is quality and also history and Umbrian traditions. The pictures of this valley give us the idea of the hand made work which has to be done to obtain a bottle, with natural harvest methods and updated expression of how it was done centuries ago. Also for all this well done job my father Giuseppe got important international acknowledgments; one of our olive oil bottle is still exposed to the Italian-American Museum. Today, with a lot of work but with a renewed passion for our valleys, we keep the memories which feed our hearts with a lot of beauty every day.

Laurenzi Francesco


Azienda Laurenzi Francesco - © Copyright 2007 P.IVA 02190560546  C.F.:LRNFNC63C14I921C